Frequently Asked Questions
How Will I Get My Book?
Book delivery is handled in a couple different ways:
For print copies:
We use a print-on-demand service for our physical books. When you check out, our printers will be notified of the order, prepare the book for you, and ship it your way. It typically takes three to five business days to print. At the moment, all printing is done in the UK, so shipping will take a little while, but our printers are setting up a USA-based facility and say they'll have it up and running by July.
For ebooks:
Our digital distribution is handled by Bookfunnel. When you check out, you'll get an email with a download link and code - From there, you can download a file to use in your preferred e-reader, (Kindle, Nook, Etc,) or you can use the Bookfunnel E-Reader app. You can also download a straightforward pdf if you prefer to keep things simple!
Bookfunnel purchases remain open for two weeks - please claim them in that time! (Once they're claimed on the app, they remain in your library forever, and of course downloaded files are yours to keep!)
For audiobooks:
Audiobook distribution is also handled by Bookfunnel! You'll get sent a link and code that you can use to get the audiobook through their app, or to listen in your browser.